Re: [RDFa] ISSUE-29: mime type of RDFa document


not pushing aside your question (for which I do not have a clear answer
at the moment, I must admit), can you explain how this issue influences
the original ISSUE-29?


Dan Brickley wrote:
> Ben Adida wrote:
>> Issue #29:
>> What should the MIME type of an RDFa document be? Proposal: whatever the
>> MIME type of the host document is. In the case of XHTML1.1+RDFa,
>> application/xhtml+xml. If/when RDFa becomes a valid extension for other
>> versions of HTML, then it will take on whatever MIME type they accept.
>> Thoughts? Questions? Please answer, no matter what you think :)
> +cc TimBL and DanC here, picking up from an IRC discussion a few days
> ago. I was asking just this. Well actually I was asking about meaning of
> refs like if /danbri is an RDFa HTML
> document. There is a tradition in the HTML world of #blah referencing a
> document section, and in the RDF world (with a lot of push from Tim) for
> #blah to be something that can name real-world (non-informational)
> resources. The general understanding is that mimetypes are the thing
> that establishes the interpretation of #. And so the answer to this
> question will shape whether people can address into the non-info world
> by pointing to #blahblah within an RDFa doc.
> For very concrete example, imagine this as RDFa in a <head> section:
>     <link rel="foaf:primaryTopic" href="#thething-itself" />
> And then later in the page contents:
>  <div about="#thething-itself">
>       <p property="xyz:abc">
> ...on the assumption that the xyz:abc property was supposed to be about
> the realworld main topic of the page (maybe a person, a movie, a museum
> artifact, etc).
> On my understanding there are some interactions between this style of
> RDFa and the existing conventions for text/html and
> application/xhtml+xml. Do we lose the RDF/XML idiom of using #blah to
> refer to the external world, then? Is this a big loss?
> cheers,
> Dan


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Received on Tuesday, 19 June 2007 08:48:07 UTC