Re: ISSUE-27: Annotations on Labels

At 08:52 AM 2/27/2007, SWD Issue Tracker wrote:

>ISSUE-27: Annotations on Labels
>Raised by: Guus Schreiber
>On product: SKOS
>Labels which are currently modeled as literals in SKOS, as well as possibly
>other literals, are valid subjects of discourse when modeling concept schemes,
>e.g. when recording the dates during which a particular label was in 
>common use.
>However, in RDF, only resources may be subjects of statements, and 
>literals may
>only be objects of statements. The question then arises, how are we 
>to annotate
>(i.e. relate, as subject) labels and other literals to other entities.

Labels should be resources so that they can be the subjects of 
statements. In general, anything that is a valid subject of discourse 
and that may participate in a relationship to other subjects of 
discourse should be resources (conceptually, such things are really 
classes). If labels are modeled as resources, then we can annotate 
labels to other entities.

>Issue sandbox:

Received on Tuesday, 27 February 2007 23:49:51 UTC