[SKOS] Proposed Resolution for ISSUE 26: RelationshipBetweenLabels

ISSUE-26 [1]

Considering that:
- representing lexical labels as classes would 
lead to an undesirable complication of SKOS in 
straightforward use cases for the application of SKOS,
- representing relationships between labels is 
required in some use cases, and therefore an 
escape mechanism should preferably be available 
for such thesauri,

I propose the WG opts for an amended version of 
the second solution proposed in [2]:


The WG resolves to add the following classes and 
properties to the SKOS specification [3]:

- the class skos:LabelRelation
- the properties skos:labelRelationSubject and 
skos:labelRelationObject with domain LabelRelation 
and range rdfs:literal

In addition, the SKOS Guide should describe 
guidelines for SKOS users to define their label 
relations as specializations of LabelRelation and 
gives examples of its intended usage. The SKOS 
specification refrains for now to predefine 
specializations of LabelRelation.

Contrary to the proposal in [2] the class 
LabelRelation is not defined as a subclass of 
skos:Annotation (which is in any case not yet part 
of the spec), as it is not an "annotation", but a 
lexical relationship.

[1] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/issues/26
[3] http://www.w3.org/TR/swbp-skos-core-spec/

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Received on Tuesday, 27 February 2007 11:43:01 UTC