RE: [RDFa] XHTML 2.0 only? NO!

Thank you. This was encouraging. I like the article idea.
Also to change the Wikipedia page is good in principle,
as long as we follow the conventions, there - e.g. trigger 
the discussion, etc.
As Ben pointed out, it is sensible to first do our 'homework',
and then, in March, we start the PR process, right?
 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
 Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA


From: Simone Onofri []
Sent: Tue 2007-02-20 21:45
To: Hausenblas, Michael
Subject: Re: [RDFa] XHTML 2.0 only? NO!

On 2/20/07, Hausenblas, Michael <> wrote:
> Welcome back to work to our US comrades!
> Looking at Tom Morris presentation at BarCamp London 2 [1]
> raises the question, why - still - RDFa is denounced to be XHTML 2-only
> :(
> I would like to trigger a 'RDFa PR campaign' to inform SW developers
> that RDFa is available with XHTML 1.1, already.

Thanks Michael, Ben, Guus, Dan,

Of course, on RDFa Primer [1] - we can read:

RDFa is a syntax that accomplishes this metadata expression using a
set of elements and attributes that embed RDF in XHTML. An important
goal of RDFa is to achieve this RDF embedding without repeating
existing XHTML content when that content is the metadata. Though RDFa
was initially designed for XHTML2, one should be able to use RDFa with
other XML dialects, e.g. XHTML1, SVG, given proper schema additions.

The support for XHTML 1.1 using the Metadata Module [2] should be
explained more clearly? So when module will'be ready on a dedicated
paragraph? With Ben Adida we discussed on this integration [3] and
following also original discussion on GRDDL list on integrating
Semantic Layer on XHTML page [4].

Well, regarding PR anyone (I if You like) can also try to update the
current definition also on Wikipedia [5] to explicit the XHTML 1.1
modularization question. Also writing article can be a fine way to
define the rela potential of RDFa, not only XHTML 2.0 (also 1.1).

Have a fine day,



Received on Tuesday, 20 February 2007 20:56:29 UTC