RE: [RDFa] The CLASS attribute

Karl Dubost wrote:
> So it is a "namespace",
> microformats just do not call it a namespace.
> > I hate to be a contrarian,
> > 
> oooh but I'm not saying that there is no issue ;) with
> the unique root class names.
> > but I've brought up the issue of disambiguation on the
> > Microformats list and discussed it at length, and IMO
> > they are not willing to address the issue with any
> > level of realism [1].
> > 
> been there, done that. :)

So you concur with my frustrations on the matter?

-Mike Schinkel -
"It never ceases to amaze how many people will proactively debate away
attempts to improve the web..."

Received on Thursday, 15 February 2007 03:57:40 UTC