ISSUE-23: There should be some discussion of alternatives to .htaccess

ISSUE-23: There should be some discussion of alternatives to .htaccess

Raised by: Jon Phipps
On product: Recipes

Many organizations, for performance and security reasons, don't allow the use of
AllowOveride and this precludes the use of .htaccess files completely. We should
include a section that specifically addresses this:

1. Briefly discuss the relative performance and security disadvantages of
.htaccess files, or at least point to such a discussion.

2. Discuss the possibility of enabling AllowOveride on a directory-specific
rather than a global basis to address those issues

2. Point out that each of the recipes can be implemented directly in httpd.conf
files without enabling AllowOveride and show how to do that for at least one of them

Received on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 19:12:07 UTC