- From: Antoine Isaac <aisaac@few.vu.nl>
- Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2007 22:45:02 +0100
- To: SKOS <public-esw-thes@w3.org>, e.mcculloch@strath.ac.uk
- CC: SWD WG <public-swd-wg@w3.org>
Dear Emma, I'm very glad to have some comments by someone from HILT! I will try to answer your questions below: > > > 1) What is the status of this issue and proposal (ISSUE-39)? > The issue states that there is a requirement for SKOS (i.e. conceptual mapping links) that is not dealt with in the current version of SKOS. And [1] is a proposal to tackle this issue, by having the SKOS namespace featuring some constructs devoted to mapping representation. Even if SKOS mapping (I'll keep the MVS you use for it) is around, it is not stable and has no official W3C status. Notice that for the moment [1] has no official status either, it's just a proposal to be discussed. Your comments/questions are therefore highly welcome. > > 2) ISSUE-39 states that Major/minorMatch are deprecated, along with > classes AND, OR and NOT. It also 'transfers' skos:mappingRelation, > skos:exactMatch; skos:broadMatch and skos:narrowMatch from the MVS > into the > standard SKOS vocabulary. Does this mean that the MVS will no longer > be used > if this proposal is accepted? > Yes, the current proposal states that MVS would not exist as such any more. Some of its elements would be purely deprecated (major/minorMatch) while some other would be technically deprecated but in practice moved to the 'official' SKOS namespace. the latter case would be true for the mappingRelations, but also perhaps for AND/OR/NOT. The resolution for the last elements would wait till a resolution for another issue, ISSUE-40 [2] Notice again that this is a proposal, which can be adjusted. For example, even if people agree on removing major/minorMatch, there could be a consensus on keeping the official mapping vocabulary in the same separate namespace that is used now (http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/mapping) > > 3) skos:relatedMatch and skos:overlappingMatch are introduced: could > you please provide a definition of relatedMatch (assuming this is for > inter-thesaurus mapping) and perhaps an example? I'm not clear of the > distinction between this and overlappingMatch, at a practical level. > Before answering this question: is the platypus/egg example in [1] not clear enough? If yes, please say so, and I'll try to find another one... That being said, the difference between relatedMatch and overlappingMatch is not 100% obvious even to me. The main motivation is that the previous SKOS mapping specification was assuming a quite 'mechanical', extensional approach to partial mappings. minor/majorMatch were defined on the basis that resources were described by both mapped concepts. If I wanted to remove minor/majorMatch (because I find the 50% criterion too much arbitrary), I had to find something with the same kind of criterion to replace them (because I thought there was some point in representing this "overlapping extensions" situations). So overlappingMatch is defined as a relation that holds when there is a set of documents potentially described by the two concepts at the same time. The problem is that this does not render the associative "related" link between terms from a thesaurus. Imagine two concepts, "France" and "War", coming from two thesauri. In a library, there will be an overlap between the sets of books indexed by the two concepts. Yet, I dare not imagine that there would be a "related" link between the two concepts, if they stood withing one single thesaurus. If a searcher is interested in resources about "France", you will not generally try to point him to resources about War. In my opinion, this is a case where you would have an overlapingMatch but no relatedMatch. Does this make enough sense? (please do not hesitate to say if you are not fully convinced) > > 4) The first version of ISSUE-39 proposed to introduce > skos:equivalentConcept as a replacement for skosm:exactMatch - has > this idea > now been dropped? > Yes. The first proposal tried to deprecate the current MVS as much as possible, and to have it replaced it by the exsiting SKOS semantic relations (broader, related, narrower, but there is no equivalence link until now in this part of SKOS). Given that this proposal has not been very popular, I took the inverse stance, which is to keep mapping links distinct from semantic relations. I thought that in this case it would be better to stay as close as possible to the MVS elements. Best regards, Antoine [1] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/SkosDesign/ConceptualMapping/ProposalTwo [2] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/track/issues/40
Received on Monday, 3 December 2007 21:47:04 UTC