Re: linking from HTML document to RDF (meta)data

>Has SWBPD expressed an opinion on best practice for linking from an 
>HTML document to an RDF document that describes it and/or attempts 
>to provide equivalent content?

There might be different ways for those two different relationships, 
right? That is, if the RDF is about the HTML, case 1, or about the 
same topic as the HTML, case 2, as in the 'vocabulary' examples 
recently discussed where the GET request can choose between HTML and 
RDF renderings (?) of the 'same' topic. Seems like we might want to 
keep those cases distinct.

>  (This seems like it ought to be a FAQ, and I must be missing 
>something obvious;  I've looked on the SWBPD page;   have I not 
>found the right reference?)
>"Expressing Simple Dublin Core in RDF/XML" 
><> suggests using <link 
>rel="meta" href="mydoc.dcxml" />, where mydoc.dcxml is the RDF/XML 
>document.  But what I frequently see is a plain old link, e.g., in 
>this case something like <a href="/mydoc.dcxml" >RDF</a> (or an 
>equivalent button, as used at the bottom of the RDF specs).  It 
>seems as if some recommendations along these lines would be helpful.




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Received on Friday, 28 April 2006 16:48:48 UTC