[ALL,OEP] new drafts of OWL-Time note(s)

All (esp. Guus & Libby);

Feng has posted new drafts of the OWL-Time note(s).  The links are now on 
the OEP web page [http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/OEP/], if you 
downloaded a version before today you may have the older one.

Feng decided to split the notes into two, one describing the time ontology 
and another describing just time zones, since they are actually broken 
into two ontologies anyway.  I agree with Feng & Jerry that this makes 
sense, as the time zone ontology is usable by itself, without having to 
understand the time ontology.  Anyway, consider the point of whether it 
shoudl be two notes or one in your review.


Dr. Christopher A. Welty, Knowledge Structures Group
IBM Watson Research Center, 19 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY  10532
Voice: +1 914.784.7055,  IBM T/L: 863.7055, Fax: +1 914.784.7455
Email: welty@watson.ibm.com
Web: http://www.research.ibm.com/people/w/welty/

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2005 15:34:49 UTC