Re: [WNET],[PORT] WordNet datamodel

Most answers in the next version of it, hopely by Thursday. Sorry for 
delay, but I'm too committed in this period. past messages contain 
some material that can of some help.


At 15:20 +0100 17-05-2005, Miles, AJ \(Alistair\) wrote:
>Hi WNET folks,
>I'm trying to understand the wordnet datamodel [1] and have a couple 
>of questions ...
>Have I got these cardinalities right:
>  - [:Synset] :containsWordSense [:WordSense] is 1 to n.
>  - [:Word] :sense [:WordSense] is 1 to n.
>... ?
>Have I got this right:
>  - there are no properties for asserting a relationship between a 
>:Synset and a :Word.  A resource of type :WordSense represents a 
>relationship between a :Word and a :Synset.
>... ?
>What property is used to assert the lexical form of a :Word?
>Are resources of type :Word to be given URIs?  Or are they to be 
>identified via an IFP?  (I'm thinking that giving URIs to words is 
>both a bad idea and unecessary, if the identity of a resource of 
>type :Word could be established by an IFP.)
>Are resources of type :WordSense to be given URIs?  Or will they be 
>blank nodes?
>Why are some properties (e.g. :holonymOf :substanceMeronymOf 
>:antonymOf :entails etc.) linking resources of type :Synset whereas 
>other properties (e.g. :derivationallyRelated :participleOf 
>:adverbPertainsTo etc.) link resources of type :WordSense?  What is 
>the fundamental difference between these two groups of properties?
>What exactly *is* a resource of type :WordSense?  What *is* a 
>resource of type :Synset?  Which of these classes (if either) could 
>be declared to be a sub-class of the skos:Concept class?
>Alistair Miles
>Research Associate
>CCLRC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
>Building R1 Room 1.60
>Fermi Avenue
>Oxfordshire OX11 0QX
>United Kingdom
>Tel: +44 (0)1235 445440
>>  -----Original Message-----
>>  From:
>>  []On Behalf Of Aldo Gangemi
>>  Sent: 27 April 2005 14:48
>>  To: Dickinson, Ian John (HP Labs, Bristol, UK)
>>  Cc:
>>  Subject: RE: [WNET],[OEP] WordNet datamodel
>>  At 14:06 +0100 27-04-2005, Dickinson, Ian John (HP Labs,
>>  Bristol, UK) wrote:
>>  >Hi Aldo,
>>  >
>>  >>  From: Aldo Gangemi []
>>  >>  Sent: 23 February 2005 11:01
>>  >
>>  >>>I can see the data model in the download directory, but the
>>  >>>data model
>>  >>>isn't much practical use without the data. Do you have a version of
>>  >>>wordnet in OWL, marked-up using the datamodel schema you provide?
>>  >>
>>  >>  not yet: we'll discuss it at today's telecon ... I think it's
>>  >>  quite straightforward, requiring a basic transform from the
>>  >>  original tables into owl-rdf
>>  >
>>  >>  [snip]
>>  >>  you're right ... an overall picture can be got from the original
>>  >>  wordnet site, but documentation of the owl datamodel is
>>  going to be
>>  >>  included in the TF note we are expected to produce shortly
>>  >
>>  >I was wondering if there was any progress on these goals
>>  (the TF note or
>>  >the Wordnet dataset marked-up using your OWL/RDF schema)?
>>  >
>>  >Regards,
>>  >Ian
>>  Hi Ian, there is some delay from me :). Let's say that TF and dataset
>>  should be ready by the end of next week. When done, I'll propose a
>>  dedicated telecon for this and other issues. If anyone has worked (or
>>  is willing to work) on WNET, please let me know.
>>  --Aldo
>>  --
>>  Aldo Gangemi
>>  Research Scientist
>>  Laboratory for Applied Ontology
>>  Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology
>>  National Research Council (ISTC-CNR)
>>  Via Nomentana 56, 00161, Roma, Italy
>>  Tel: +390644161535
>>  Fax: +390644161513
>>  *******************
>>  !!! please don't use the old
>>  address, because it is under spam attack


Aldo Gangemi
Research Scientist
Laboratory for Applied Ontology
Institute for Cognitive Sciences and Technology
National Research Council (ISTC-CNR)
Via Nomentana 56, 00161, Roma, Italy
Tel: +390644161535
Fax: +390644161513

!!! please don't use the old
address, because it is dead like a dead fish

Received on Tuesday, 17 May 2005 20:24:33 UTC