Re: Fall '05 face-to-face meeting planning

At 12:59 PM 5/10/2005 -0400, wrote:
>There is a lot happening this fall and it would be helpful
>to have the plans for the next ftf settled.

I would indeed.  It might help if people were to post known conflicts.
The comments field of the location poll [1] is a great place to record
your known conflicts.

>  I don't remember 
>this being mentioned at the last telecon.

   Has everyone here submitted their data on straw poll on next f2f location?

As of today there have been 19 respondents and 33 non-respondents
to that poll.

I have extended the questionnaire [1] by another month in hopes that
some of the remaining 33 might respond.  Of the 19 who have
responded there is a very clear preponderance of support for Galway.

At the Boston face-to-face [2], the Galway option was proposed so as to
be concurrent with ISWC [3] (6-10 November).  I read "concurrent with"
as "immediately preceding or following", not "in parallel with".  I suppose
the poll could be augmented with an additional question "before?"
(3-4 or 4-5 Nov) or "after?" (11-12, 12-13, 13-14, 15-16 Nov).



Received on Tuesday, 10 May 2005 17:29:56 UTC