meeting record: 2005-04-21 SWBPD WG telecon

Minutes of the 21 April SWBPD WG Telecon [1] are now available in
more presentable form.


A plaintext snapshot of revision 1.3 follows:
                     SemWeb Best Practices and Deployment

21 Apr 2005



   See also: [3]IRC log



          David Wood, Alistair Miles, Ralph Swick, Jeremy Carroll, Fabien
          Gandon, Elisa Kendall, Phil Tetlow, Gavin McKenzie, Libby
          Miller, Chris Welty, Deb McGuinness, Evan Wallace,

          GuusS, SteveP, BenjaminN, NatashaN, DanBri, TomB, DarrenG,
          GaryN, MarcoN, BrianM, AldoG, JeffP, ValentinaP




     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]Admin
         2. [6]Liaison
         3. [7]TF Updates
               o [8]SE
               o [9]PORT
               o [10]OEP
               o [11]Wordnet
               o [12]XML Schema datatypes
               o [13]Vocabulary management
               o [14]RDF-in-HTML
               o [15]ADTF
               o [16]RDFTM
               o [17]Tutorial Page
     * [18]Summary of Action Items



   RESOLVED to accept the [19]minutes of the April 7 telecon


   RESOLVED next telecon 5 May, 1700 UTC, Ralph to chair if necessary;
   regrets from David & Jeremy

   general actions, two both marked done

   ACTION: Guus to organise [20]straw poll on f2f location [DONE]


   ACTION: Ralph investigate what action may be taken when an interested
   participant has been unable to get a response from his AC
   Representative [21]DONE]


   Jeremy: might want to consider if we want to make a WG comment on SCD

   David: tough since no one has read it, discuss under action item


   ACTION: Chairs to discuss the httpRange-14 issue at the coordination
   level [CONTINUES]

   2.1 httpRange-14 liason discussion has been had at CG level, but still

   2.2 ODM review

   ACTION: Guus to review OWL metamodel [CONTINUES]

   ACTION: Deb to go over OWL metamodel and provide a summary [CONTINUES]

   (althought Pat Hayes comment addressed some of Deb's points)

   2.3 XML Schema Component Designators

   Jeremy posted review just before call

   ACTION: jjc to review XML schema LC draft [DONE]

   <Ralph> [22]XML Schema Component Designators Review Jeremy


   ACTION: jeff to review XML schema LC draft [CONTINUES]

   Jeremy: I suggested a WG response that was positive.
   ... one comment we might want to make regarding namespace bindings

   Ralph: I suggest that Jeremy post his review to both WGs as his own

   Jeremy: agree

   ACTION: jeremy post personal review to XSCD doc

TF Updates

   3.10, SE

   Phil: we're pretty close to second version of note for WG
   consideration, probably within next three weeks

   3.1 PORT

   Alistair:SKOS core and docs, Tom Baker asked how SKOS Core is managed,
   and how that relates to W3C process and managing docs
   ... Current process model is editors can change it at any time
   ... So the current version of SKOS core can be out-of-sync with
   published WG note
   ... Meeting in Berlin Zoo last week
   ... suggested different [23]SKOS management process model that fits in
   with W3C process dor publishing docs
   ... After publication of WD by WG, SKOS Core is frozen, but possible
   changes are recorded
   ... any then with a new WD the changes agree by WG get rolled in to
   SKOS Core and new WD


   Ralph: I saw small group of developers around SKOS and turning it into
   more formal W3C like process
   ... this is a change for the SKOS community
   ... may they be expecting to make more frequent changes?
   ... doing a diff on two versions of an editors draft should be able to
   be correlated with e-mail
   ... so that changes are owned by the WG through the e-mail

   Alistair: more informal version of DCMI usage board
   ... key change being proposed is that changes won't actually be
   implemented until SWBPD WG approves WD

   Ralph: key change is move from informal process as the current SKOS
   community may expect to a more formal process

   Alistair: most people in SKOS community would like SKOS core to be
   more stable

   Tom: confusion between editors draft and public WDs

   Ralph: WG is free to modify namespace doc between versions of WDs
   ... but important to align expectations of community with expectations
   of WG

   Alistair: from meeting with Tom, it would be good to have a W3C
   process for maintaining vocab

   Ralph: as PORT TF asks WG to publish notes, the WG assumes ownership
   of vocab

   Alistair: ownership of SKOS should be open community which anyone can
   contribute to it

   Jeremy: the OWL and RDF test cases had a similar issue with Working
   Drafts being published but the test case repository being changed
   ... when the editor's drafts differed from the latest Working Draft,
   it was often because the test respository had changed

   Alistair: Tom was not happy with the test cases model

   3.2 OEP

   <Ralph> [24]OEP TF home (lists all editor's drafts)


   Deb and Chris report ...

   [25]part-whole] update from Natasha's note on April 14


   classes as values is now published note

   specified values note is ready to go

   n-ary relations is still being revised

   with n-ary relations several requests to pick a pattern, and provide
   an RDF vocab for the pattern

   then the vocab would need to be at a namespace doc etc etc

   Chris: applications that want higher -arity relations would like a way
   to translate to and from RDF's binary relations
   ... a vocabulary accepted by most applications would facilitate this

   David: given the current state of the SemWeb, I have no trouble
   calling this 'best practice' rather than 'research'

   Ralph: is the OEP TF in a position to propose such a vocabulary?

   Chris: yes, we have something nearly ready to put in the document

   David asks Deb if she is happy with this.

   Deb: I don't mind haven't a standard vocab, as long as documented well

   Ralph: question of whether this becomes a formal rec is separate
   ... I encourage the TF to propose a vocabulary for converting between
   binary and n-ary relations

   two other editors draft part/whole

   guus wrote note on QCRs a year ago ... but now recovered

   Alan has agreed to take over editing QCRs note once part whole note is

   Chris asks Ralph about Gerry Hobbs and ISI AC rep

   Ralph is expecting resolution any day soon

   ACTION: Ralph re-ping ISI AC Rep

   3.3 Wordnet

   ACTION: Aldo to propose an update the Wordnet TF description

   Alistair has looked at datamodel and met with ISO group on temrinology

   lots of overlap between ISO view, SKOS, and wordnet

   ACTION: Alistair e-mail group about ISO contact; Laurent Romary

   Chris: Aldo has spoken about this community. Aldo attended some
   meeting with them

   <aliman> Other TC37 contact: Alan K. Melby

   3.4 XML Schema datatypes

   ACTION: Ralph help Jeff and Jeremy with XML Schema Datatype
   publication request [DONE]

   <Ralph> The document transition was [26]requested on 11 April


   ralph claims action is done, but the document transition request fell
   down a crack

   ACTION: Ralph get XML Schema Datatype transition request unstuck

   Jeremy: I have not yet considered Ashok's review; will send a polite
   to respond to him acknowledging the review

   ACTION: jeremy polite reply to ashok setting expectations

   3.5 Vocabulary management (TomB)

   Alistair: we had a chat last week

   3.6 RDF-in-HTML (Ben)

   ACTION: DanBri help write an rdf schema for the additional xhtml2
   namespace elements [CONTINUES]

   ACTION: Gavin find out from his community and contacts if they have
   use cases [CONTINUES]

   Ralph: still awaiting XHTML2 LC WD

   Jeremy:from what I can tell there does not seem to be a lot of
   enthusiasm in HP for GRDDL. HP not opposed to GRDDL moving forward but
   not enthused either

   Gavin:(earlier) got expressions of support for GRDDL within Adobe,
   w.r.t. XHTML1
   ... will write this in mail

   3.7 ADTF (Libby)

   Libby: not much to report
   ... e-mail discussion on-going

   Chris: if one of the criteria is that it has to be RDF or OWL, didn't
   we have to change title to avoid question of scope of Semantic Web

   David: we should be defining scope of SW but this is probably a CG
   issue not a TF issue
   ... eric would like TM to be in SW, WG perhaps not so keen
   ... in practice dealing mostly with RDF and OWL

   <Ralph> [I think David's "we" referred generally to W3C or the
   community, not specifically SWBPD]

   David: can we link to lots of RDF data

   Ralph: let's not go there
   ... if there is cool data out there, hopefully it is found from cool
   application on our page

   ChrisW: note [27]


   Libby: Bob de charm is collecting data as david discusses;


   David: also [29]ontaria; cobranded W3c/darpa


   3.8 RDFTM (Steve)

   ACTION: pepper to change reference to RDF semantics [DONE]

   current status was published on March 29

   3.9 Tutorial Page

   jeff and Ben absent, but write access sorted out now

   ACTION: Jeff to talk with Benjamin to propose a process for submission
   of FAQ questions [CONTINUES]

   ACTION: Ralph add Note category to WG home page

Summary of Action Items

   ACTION: Aldo to propose an update the Wordnet TF description
   ACTION: Alistair e-mail group about ISO contact; Laurent Romary
   ACTION: Chairs to discuss the httpRange-14 issue at the coordination
   ACTION: DanBri help write an rdf schema for the additional xhtml2
   namespace elements
   ACTION: Deb to go over OWL metamodel and provide a summary
   ACTION: Gavin find out from his community and contacts if they have
   use cases
   ACTION: Guus to review OWL metamodel
   ACTION: jeff to review XML schema LC draft
   ACTION: Jeff to talk with Benjamin to propose a process for submission
   of FAQ questions
   [NEW] ACTION: jeremy polite reply to ashok setting expectations
   [NEW] ACTION: jeremy post personal review to XSCD doc
   [NEW] ACTION: Ralph add Note category to WG home page
   [NEW] ACTION: Ralph get XML Schema Datatype transition request unstuck
   [NEW] ACTION: Ralph re-ping ISI AC Rep
   [DONE] ACTION: Guus to organise straw poll on f2f location
   [DONE] ACTION: jjc to review XML schema LC draft
   [DONE] ACTION: pepper to change reference to RDF semantics
   [DONE] ACTION: Ralph help Jeff and Jeremy with XML Schema Datatype
   publication request
   [DONE] ACTION: Ralph investigate what action may be taken when an
   interested participant has been unable to get a response from his AC


    $Revision: 1.3 $ of $Date: 2005/05/06 20:02:04 $

Received on Friday, 6 May 2005 20:04:36 UTC