- From: Thomas Baker <thomas.baker@izb.fraunhofer.de>
- Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 18:39:25 +0200
- To: SW Best Practices <public-swbp-wg@w3.org>
Dear all, Alistair and I recently had an opportunity to discuss the Vocabulary Management note face-to-face, and as a result, Alistair has proposed a starkly pruned outline [1, the text of which is attached below] as an alternative to the existing but neglected VM note draft [2]. In essence, we propose to limit the scope of the note pretty tightly to "RDF vocabularies" rather than try to cover "vocabulary management" in a broader sense. This implies a focus on DC-, FOAF-, and SKOS-like vocabularies and less on related topics such as Wordnet and Published Subjects. Part of the motivation for reducing the scope is practical; the narrower scope should be a bit easier to write. Even within this more limited scope there are areas where we may be able to do little more than point to ongoing discussions, e.g., with regard to httpRange-14. Dan's draft "Some Things That Hashless HTTP URIs Can Name" [3] is helpfully complementary in this regard. I suggest we hold a telecon about the VM Note [1,2] in the next two weeks -- for example Thursday, May 12, 1700 UTC/1900 Berlin (the SWBPD WG slot) I have been in touch about the note with Libby and Dan. The other members of this Task Force are Natasha, Alan, Aldo, Bernard, and Ralph; and Steve indicated his interest in Boston. What do other TF members think of this reduced scope, and who would like to participate in some telecons on this over the next few weeks? Tom [1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Apr/0082.html [2] http://esw.w3.org/topic/VocabManagementNote [3] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/BestPractices/VM/httpclass/1 --- Basic Principles for Managing an RDF Vocabulary Abstract This document articulates some basic principles of good practice for managing an RDF vocabulary. By following these principles, an RDF vocabulary becomes 'usable' - new users learn quickly how to use the vocabulary, and a relationship of trust is built between the user community and the vocabulary developers/maintainers. This promotes growth of a user community, which generates more feedback for the developers/maintainers, leading to further improvements in quality and usability. This document focuses on those principles of good practice where a clear recommendation can be made. There are a number of open issues relating to the management of RDF vocabularies, however these are outside the scope of this document. Introduction An RDF vocabulary consists of a set of *resources* denoted by *URIs*. Informally, these resources are known as the 'terms' of the vocabulary. The resources will usually (but not necessarily) be of type rdf:Property, rdfs:Class, owl:Class or skos:Concept. An RDF vocabulary is created and maintained for the use of a community of people (the 'user community') as a set of building blocks for creating RDF descriptions of things in their domain of interest. An RDF vocabulary usually implies a shared conceptualisation, and thus the notion of an 'RDF vocabulary' is almost identical to the notion of a 'web ontology' [ref???]. Several of the most prominent RDF vocabularies currently in use (OWL, FOAF, Dublin Core, SKOS Core) have emerged from a close collaboration between a relatively small 'developer community' and a larger 'user community'. The prominence of these vocabularies may be attributed to their utility, but also to the commitment made by those responsible for developing/maintaining the vocabularies to forming, accomodating, serving, and working with, a community of users. The goal of implementing the principles outlined in this document is to make an RDF vocabulary 'usable'. This could be restated as, managing an RDF vocabulary with the user in mind. ... [some other stuff ???] Principles of Good Practice: 1. Naming An RDF vocabulary consists of a set of resources denoted by URIs. 'Naming' refers to the act of allocating URIs to resources [ref???]. The developers/maintainers of an RDF vocabulary should inform the potential user of the following: - The URI space from which resource names are drawn. - The ownership of this URI space. - Any commitments made by the owner(s) of the URI space to the persistence of URIs in that space. - Have the owner(s) of the URI space formally delegated responsibility for allocating URIs within that space to the vocabulary developers/maintainers? - Any rules used by the developers/maintainers for constructing URIs to be used as resource names. E.g.s .... 2. Documentation The developers/maintainers of an RDF vocabulary should provide natural-language (i.e. human-readable) documentation about the vocabulary and its proper use. The principle aim of this documentation is to help potential users *learn* how to apply the vocabulary, and therefore to promote *consistency* in the way that the vocabulary is applied. Inconsistent usage reduces the value of a vocabulary, because the meaning associated with the vocabulary becomes in practice ambiguous. As a bare minimum, a list of the terms should be published, with text definitions. It is recommended to publish detailed prose describing proper usage patterns and scenarios, with examples. Egs. 3. Maintenance An RDF vocabulary may be developed in private by a closed community, and then published with no possibility for future change. An RDF vocabulary may, on the other hand, be developed in public by an open community, with the content of the vocabulary being allowed to evolve indefinitely. In any case, a potential user needs to know under what circumstances the vocabulary (or parts of it) may change, and what kinds of change may be expected. The key concept here is 'stability'. When a potential user chooses a vocabulary, they are making an investment of time/money/effort that depends to a certain extent upon the stability of that vocabulary. Therefore a potential user needs to know exactly how stable a vocabulary is, in order to judge how much to invest. If a vocabulary is less than perfectly stable, the user needs to know exactly what may change, how it may change, and of course to be informed of changes when they do occur. Therefore, the developers/maintainers of an RDF vocabulary should publish a maintenance policy for that vocabulary. The maintenance policy should articulate whether or not change is allowed, and the way that change is managed. Egs. The developers/maintainers should also provide some facility whereby users can be informed of changes as and when they are made. Egs. 4. Versioning Where a vocabulary is allowed to change, users developing systems based on that vocabulary may prefer to work to a stationary, rather than moving, target. To support these users, the developers/maintainers of a vocabulary should: - Publish versions of the vocabulary, where a 'version' is a 'snapshot' of the vocabulary at a particular point in time. - Allocated URIs to vocabulary versions, so that they may be referred to. Where the resources that are the members of a vocabulary may evolve independently, or be at differing levels of stability, the developers/maintainers may also which to allocate URIs to historical versions of a particular resource. Egs. 5. Publication An RDF description of an RDF vocabulary should be published. Potential users should be clearly informed as to which is the 'authoritative' RDF description of an RDF vocabulary. Where the resources that are the members of an RDF vocabulary are denoted by HTTP URIs, an HTTP GET request with the header field 'accept=application/rdf+xml' against that URI should return an RDF/XML serialisation of an RDF graph that includes a description of the denoted resource. THE END -- Dr. Thomas Baker Thomas.Baker@izb.fraunhofer.de Institutszentrum Schloss Birlinghoven mobile +49-160-9664-2129 Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft work +49-30-8109-9027 53754 Sankt Augustin, Germany fax +49-2241-144-2352 Personal email: thbaker79@alumni.amherst.edu
Received on Thursday, 5 May 2005 16:35:06 UTC