- From: Jeremy Carroll <jjc@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2005 16:04:58 +0000
- To: SWBPD <public-swbp-wg@w3.org>
(Note I will generally use 1st person plural, so that these comments could be sent as WG comments if so desired. While there are just over 50 individual comments most are editorial in nature, I regret not having managed to separate the editorial from the more substantive comments. I highlight nine comments at the beginning of the review) I feel that it may help if one of the authors of our n-ary relations doc reviewed page 68/69 of this spec. We have reviewed ODM dated 05-01-01 including the following sections: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,10,11,12,16,18 We welcome this specification and believe it will be an important contribution to allow UML modellers to make better use of Ontology tools such as OWL. Congratulations to the authors. In the detailed comments below we highlight the following more significant comments: 190: Section 10.2.3 page 72, 2nd para This paragraph is disingenuous. While UML might not formally forbid the treatment you take, the reality is that UML tools and modellers expect both the closed world assumption and the unique names assumption and that these expectations are one of the major obstacles that should be being addressed by this specification. Elegant philosophizing about a zoo of nulls does not constitute a helpful way of addressing the problem. 280: Section 10.3.2 page 75 5th para 'UML at the M1 ...' see comment 190. 390: section 12 (throughout) overly strong cardinality constraints on some constructs The OWL DL abstarct syntax and OWL full both permit empty intersections and unions, enumerations and dataRanges. The OWL Metamodel typically requires at least two elements in each. Is this deviation from OWL intended? (e.g. 12.2.12, 12.2.6, 12.4.2) 400: section 12 (throughout) OWL DL-isms The section is presented as being an OWL Full metamodel, but there are a number of OWL DL like constraints presented which are not part of OWL Full. For example the constraints mentioned in sections 12.2.10, 12.2.9, 12.3.1, 12.3.2, 12.6.1 415: section 12.2.9 page 100 The complete attribute should be dropped. It appears in the OWL abstract syntax and the OWL XML syntax but plays no role in the more OWL Full like modelling used here. The sentence describing what it means does not relate to the discussion in the OWL Semantics document. 420: section 12.3.1 page 104 suggest adding inverseFuntional attribute This is used extensively in OWL Full, e.g.by foaf ontology 430: section 12.3.1, 12.3.2 page 104 'The default is "false"' is problematic (five times) A property may be symmetric even when not declared as such ... this causes problems with any default value for the symmetric attribute. 440: section 12.3.2 page 105 last sentence under semantics is: - an OWL DL restriction - a syntactic restriction not a semantic restriction suggest delete Detailed Comments (numbering deliberately non-consecutive) 5: Section 2 page 37 Are the conformance statements adequately precise. The W3C Quality Assurance group discuss conformance statements in http://www.w3.org/TR/2004/WD-qaframe-spec-20041122/#specifying-conformance It may be helpful to improve section 2 on the basis of their advice. 10: Section 3 page 38 OWL Reference is described as a normative reference, but itself has no normative content 20: Section 3 page 38 OWL Overview is described as a normative reference, but itself has no normative content 30: Section 3 page 38 OWL XML Syntax is described as a normative reference, but itself has no normative content 40: Section 4 is empty in particular this reviewer could have benefited from having definitions of EMOF and CMOF 50: Section 7.2 page 46 Suggest this information could have been better presented. In particular the possible values for each perspective could have been listed underneath each perspective 60: Section 7.4.1 page 49 The first two bullet points on the page are unclear. Is this a high level or a low level? Is this a large amount or a small amount? Suggest rephrasing to clarify 70: Section 7.4.3 page break 50-51 This is non-grammatical, suggest rephrasing. 80: Section 7.7 table 8 page 53 The linking of requirements to sections felt dubious. Don't many of these requirements emerge from more sections than is listed? 90: Section 7.7 page 53, 54 The text under the table uses different terms from the table Generic concepts <-> Generic content structural <-> structure features Also the term 'abstract syntax' in the text under the table seems inappropriate, suggest 'requirements'. 100: Section 10.2.1 page 65 table 10 Should the heading of the column be "ownedAttribute Properties" 110: Section 10.2.2 page 65 'represented by names', some individuals in OWL are unnamed. 120: Section 10.2.2 page 66 last sentence before table 15 We believe it is very natural to translate a UML model into OWL and then use that as a base for further development. Is the appropriate translation mentioned adequately specified? How easy is it to do this? 130: Section 10.2.2 page 67 table 15 Note that it may be more natural to use xsd:unsignedInt or xsd:nonNegativeInteger for the NumEnrolled property 140: Section 10.2.2 page 66/67 table 15 and text below perhaps course.code and student.ID would be better mapped to owl:DatatypeProperty the text discusses string concatenation. Notice that OWL individuals are named, if at all, with absolute URIs, and that 1234.INFS3101 is not an absolute URI. 150: Section 10.2.3 page 69 The phrase '(Note that the OWL construct unionOf .... use.)' is false. Any resources mentioned in such a construct are classes, by virtue of such use. 160: Section 10.2.3 page 70/71 RDF/XML example ... is muddled and needs to be syntax checked; it could probably benefit from the use of XML Entity declarations at least for &xsd; The following mistakes are evident, there may be others: the namespace declaration all duplicate the URIs the rdf:datatype attributes do not have values being URIs but have illegal use of qnames as values. The final rdf:resource attribute in the example is messed up. 170: Section 10.2.3 page 71 suggest spelling minCardinality and maxCardinality with camel case 180: Section 10.2.3 page 71 Incorrect: 'is optional (or partial) for that class' The property cannot be used for that class. 190: Section 10.2.3 page 72, 2nd para This paragraph is disingenuous. While UML might not formally forbid the treatment you take, the reality is that UML tools and modellers expect both the closed world assumption and the unique names assumption and that these expectations are one of the major obstacles that should be being addressed by this specification. Elegant philosophizing about a zoo of nulls does not constitute a helpful way of addressing the problem. See comment 280. 200: Section 10.2.3 page 72 5th para: 'must be type compatible' not quite true, if they are not type compatible then the property is emtpy 200: Section 10.2.3 page 72 6th para: owl:hasValue is a more natural way of achieving this goal 200: Section 10.2.3 page 72 6th para, final phrase: 'is common to all instances of A' is slightly misleading, the property remains a property of the class and is not a property of the instance 210: Section 10.2.3 page 72 last para: 'OWL does not have a comparable feature' We believe owl:AnnotationProperty may be such a comparable feature 220: Section 10.2.4 page 73 table 18 Suggest RDF:Property rather than RDF:Properties 230: Section 10.3.1 page 74 typo subClassOf not subclassOf 240: Section 10.3.1 page 74 possible typo equivalentClass not EquivalentClass maybe with rephrasing to avoid sentence initial position. 250: Section 10.3.1 page 74 example Is incorrect it also needs a someValuesFrom restriction since the text says: 'if we have an individual which has the property locatedIn...' 260: Section 10.3.1 page 75 last para Should the tense 'will not' be replaced with 'does not' 270: Section 10.3.2 page 75 4th para unclear suggest Two classes can be stated to be equivalent (equivalentClass) and two properties can be stated to be equivalent (equivalentProperty). Equivalent classes have the same members, equivalent properties relate the same pairs. 280: Section 10.3.2 page 75 5th para 'UML at the M1 ...' see comment 190. 290: Section 11.1.2 page 78 A note should be added explaining how rdfs:Class and rdf:Property are abbreviations for URIs using conventional namespace prefixes and concatenation. This is not familiar to non-SW people. This is worse because syntactic rdfs:Class and rdf:Property both follow the URI syntax, but that that isn't the URI that is intended. 300: Section 11.2.3 page 80 I think the inherited URI attribute should be obligatory for RDFSDatatype, it's worth checking the phrasing in the RDF Semantics document. 310: Section 11.2.5 page 81 The text describing the uri attribute. The "is" is a bit too strong. Suggest It may be constructed from the namespace and localName of the RDF resource (if both are present), and, in most cases, the namespace and localName may be constructed from the uri. 320: Section 11.2.5 page 81 Is it possible to constrain the localName to be an NCName? 330: Section 11.2.7 page 82 It may be a better model to have a datatype: RDFSDatatype attribute rather than the datatypeURI: String attribute. The URI is merely the syntactic representation, both in the RDF abstract and RDF/XML concrete syntaxes, the underlying idea is that the typed literal is linked with a datatype. 340: Section 11.4.4 page 86 We note that discussion of rdf:_1 rdf:_2 and rdfs:member has been omitted. 350: section 11.6.1 page 88 Typo: RDFsubbject should be RDFsubject 360: section 12.2 page 96 Figure 14 Suggest replacing RDFSLiteral box with typedliteral box, since all the legal values are xsd:nonNegativeInteger 370: section 12.2 pages 96-103 Suggest reordering by a top-down left-to-right tree traversal of the diagram, with a table at the beginning giving an alphabetic listing of the classes and the sections in which they are discussed. This will give a more natural reading path from start to finish of the section. 380: section 12.2.9 page 101 final para Should the ODM mandate naming conventions for owl:Thing and owl:Nothing at the model level to promote interoperability? 390: section 12 (throughout) overly strong cardinality constraints on some constructs The OWL DL abstarct syntax and OWL full both permit empty intersections and unions, enumerations and dataRanges. The OWL Metamodel typically requires at least two elements in each. Is this deviation from OWL intended? (e.g. 12.2.12, 12.2.6, 12.4.2) 400: section 12 (throughout) OWL DL-isms The section is presented as being an OWL Full metamodel, but there are a number of OWL DL like constraints presented which are not part of OWL Full. For example the constraints mentioned in sections 12.2.10, 12.2.9, 12.3.1, 12.3.2, 12.6.1 410: section 12.2.4 page 98 It is probably worth specifying that the elements of an enumerated class are not necessarily distinct and no unique names assumption applies 415: section 12.2.9 page 100 The complete attribute should be dropped. It appears in the OWL abstract syntax and the OWL XML syntax but plays no role in the more OWL Full like modelling used here. The sentence describing what it means does not relate to the discussion in the OWL Semantics document. See comment 480 420: section 12.3.1 page 104 suggest adding inverseFuntional attribute This is used extensively in OWL Full, e.g.by foaf ontology 430: section 12.3.1, 12.3.2 page 104 'The default is "false"' is problematic (five times) A property may be symmetric even when not declared as such ... this causes problems with any default value for the symmetric attribute. 440: section 12.3.2 page 105 last sentence under semantics is: - an OWL DL restriction - a syntactic restriction not a semantic restriction suggest delete 450: section 12.4.1 page 106 these slots are curiously absent from the RDFS metamodel. 460: section 12.4.2 page 107 could Individual be named OWLThing? 470: section 12.5 figure 17 page 109 owl:DataRange is not a subclass of RDFSDatatype 480: section 16.2.1 Table 39 page 178 The complete attribute is not listed. Suggest dropping complete attribute from section 12 See comment 415 490: section 18 Is this specification adequately detailed for implementors of UML tools to achieve interoperability? (This is intended as a genuine question which is best answered by such implementors).
Received on Thursday, 27 January 2005 16:05:02 UTC