comments on the Ontology Driven Architecture statement

My own interest is primarily in the ways that semantic web deployment will
improve the determination and inference of context in document usage and
pervasive computing environments. So I looked at the relational,
inferential, and corpuscular (?) aspects of the paper.

Some comments on the ODA paper

The three elements mentioned when discussing the concept of a corpus are
important. For metadata to be useful in drawing inferences about the context
in which it is encountered, it has to be correct, believable, and
timely...Authoritative, Trusted, and Temporal.

The idea of treating a corpus of metadata as a relational database is
interesting and makes a lot of sense. In particular, because of the tupled
nature of RDF this would seem to provide us with a way of deriving
inferences similar to data mining techniques used in relational dbs.
However, RDF is still stored hierarchically within an XML framework. It may
be that a new calculus needs to be derived for performing inferences across
a hierarchical space with relational components.

It is important, I think to be careful about using terms like database and
artificial intelligence in such documents. I was svery pleased to see the
word corpus used since I think this describes the situation best. We have
started talking about data stores as well to remove the relational contextr
from our thinking

Those are my ideas...hope they help

Bill McDaniel

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Jeff Pan
Sent: Tuesday, February 15, 2005 2:30 AM
Cc: Phil Tetlow
Subject: [SE] Agenda of the SETF telecon today

AGENDA  Teleconference
Softfware Engineering Task Force
W3C Semantic Web Best Practices & Deployment Working Group
15 Feb 2005, 1800 UTC
          1000 (West US)
          1300 (East US)
          1800 (London)
          1900 (Amsterdam),
          0300 (next day Tokyo)
          0500 (next day Sydney)
Duration: 45-60 min

Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7383 ("SETF")
IRC Chat: (port 6665), #setf
Web-based IRC (member-only):


1. Discussion of the working draft on "Ontology Driven Architectures and
Potential Uses of the Semantic Web in Software Engineering" (see the
attached file).

2. Preparation for the ftf meeting. 
- Timeline for the above draft document
- Need for TF presentation during the 45m TF slot
- Need for small-scale parallel TF meeting during the ftf 

Received on Saturday, 19 February 2005 05:07:08 UTC