[VM] VM Telecon today - Tues 2005-08-30 15:00 Amsterdam

Dear all,

With apologies for the late posting, here is an agenda for the
regularly scheduled VM teleconference this afternoon at 15:00
Berlin time.

I have been absorbed with preparations for DC-2005 in Madrid
[4,5].  The conference will be attended by VM Task Force
members Dan Brickley and Alistair Miles (who will give both
a tutorial and a plenary presentation on SKOS), and there
will be a keynote by Eric Miller.  I trust this will provide
a great opportunity for us to discuss the VM work and set
priorities face-to-face.

I suggest we use the call today to review topics of
relevance to DC-2005 two weeks from now.  These include
purl.org and the question of 303 redirects (topic 3 below),
of relevance for DC and RSS.  Also, there has been a flurry
of discussion on Dublin Core in RDF on a newly created list,
http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/dc-rdf-taskforce.html, of
which both Alistair and Dan are members.

I'd rather focus the telecon today on just these issues than
try to cover all of the other issues on the VM plate...



Agenda - Vocabulary Management telecon, Tue, Aug 30, 1300 UTC (1500 Amsterdam)

Zakim: +1.617.761.6200 
Conference code 8683# ('VMTF')

1. Report from the last Telecon, Jul 19

2. Ralph Swick comments, Aug 16

3. Implications of TAG decision on httpRange-14 [1] on practice.  See
   past VM discussion [2,3].  The question is: should purl.org be (DC, RSS...) 
   be asked to make 303 redirects possible?  See:

4. DC-2005 in Madrid (4,5) - in particular, DCMI Architecture and the 
   RDF Task Force (Tom, Dan, Alistair).  See:

-- "Basic Steps for Managing an RDF Vocabulary"

-- Configuration (or change) management - Alistair started a thread at:

[1] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-tag/2005Jun/0039.html
[2] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Jun/0079.html
[3] http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-swbp-wg/2005Jul/0056.html
[4] http://dc2005.uc3m.es/program/program.asp
[5] http://dc2005.uc3m.es/program/fullprogram.asp

Dr. Thomas Baker                      baker@sub.uni-goettingen.de
SUB - Goettingen State                            +49-551-39-3883
and University Library                           +49-30-8109-9027
Papendiek 14, 37073 Göttingen

Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2005 09:53:43 UTC