Re: invited experts [was: Re: meeting record: 2005-04-07 SWBPD telecon]

>>>   ... main point is that the critical expertise is not present in the WG
>>>   and justification for why the recommended person works for an
>>>   organization that is not a W3C Member
> This probably would be better worded: "...and justification for why the 
> organization for which the recommended person works is not a W3C member."
> Chris recommended two academics to fill this role.  We need to verify
> that neither of their universities are members.  I am not sure what to
> do beyond that.?

I think we could contact the two candidates to provide descriptions that cover the following two points: (i) the candidate's experience in Automatic Software Engineering, and (ii) justification for why the organisation for which the candidate works is not a member of W3C.


Dr. Jeff Z. Pan  ( )
School of Computer Science, The University of Manchester

Received on Sunday, 10 April 2005 15:16:02 UTC