[VM, ALL] Sketch of a new doc: Some Things That Hashless HTTP URIs Can Name

Just to let the WG (and especially the Vocab Management 
Task Force whose filetree I've put this in) know. I started 
a document that is intended to go some way towards articulating 
a middleground position on the hash/slash/httpRange questions
recently discussed here. Specifically, it tries to articulate a
list of some things that hashless HTTP URIs can name, and to tell 
a story about why it is OK for RDF properties and classes to be on
that list. Haven't got there yet, but the doc's in the Web so 
I thought it best to let you all know. I've added various disclaimers;
I can add more if folks feel it necessary.

I would be interested in feedback from WG and TF members on whether
you believe this is worth spending some time on pursuing...



Received on Monday, 4 April 2005 15:05:40 UTC