Re: [PORT] Tom's comments on the spec (was RE: [PORT] moving SKOS Core fwd)

* Thomas Baker <> [2005-04-01 20:34+0200]
> On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 07:21:20PM +0100, Alistair Miles wrote:
> > [Abstract]
> > 
> > This edition of the SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification
> > [] s/is
> > the authoritative/gives a human-readable account of the SKOS
> > Core Vocabulary at the time of publication.
> Okay.  (Actually, in this case it might very well be the
> authoritative account, but that is different from saying or
> implying that in general, Editor's Working Drafts are the
> authoritative accounts.)

Yup, Editor's Drafts in general count for nothing. They're
scrapbook works in progress, and might vanish, burst into
flames, etc etc.
> > [Introduction]
> > 
> > This edition of the SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification
> > [] s/is
> > the authoritative/gives a human-readable account of the SKOS
> > Core Vocabulary at the time of publication.
> > 
> > N.B. the [@@TODO]s are intended to be replaced with the URLs
> > of the latest public working draft editions, which we don't
> > have yet.
> Fine.
> > Ralph, what should I cite to point the reader to the difference
> > between an editor's WD, a public WD, a working group note,
> > a rec?  Should we put a short description in the doc?

W3C Process doc covers all of those except "editor's WD" which
is not a formalised concept. We are however discussing a 
possible page on which informally describes the 
idea of an editor's draft, giving guidance re stylesheet etc
and being something that editor's drafts could link to, 
so that readers of those docs would know what they'd encountered.
I doubt there'll be something ready before SKOS goes to real WD
but I think it's likely we'll have something eventually...


Received on Friday, 1 April 2005 19:11:32 UTC