Re: telecon April 1

I don't have any particularly good advice on how to solve the problem of 
telecon times.  I just want to sum up what I think the main points are 
before there is a vote or poll:

1) The 3PM UT slot is inconvenient but "makeable" for People on the 
Pacific (east and west of it).
2) There is no other time slot that works better
3) Deb can't live with that time
4) Alternating times makes one meeting per month "un-makeable" for one 
side of the Pacific.
5) Many people preferred a single time
6) The only objection to alternating was if they are not scheduled well in 
7) Unstated but obvious: If we alternate, we can alternate regularly 
between two fixed times, so we all know when every telecon will be.

THerefore I think the issue to vote on/poll is not the "time" for the 
call, but simply whether to alternate or not.  However,  Jeremy wisely 
points out that for most of us, we have PREFERENCES but can live with just 
about any of the proposals.  He suggested that only the people for whom it 
actually matters should vote. *


* I say "people for whom it actually matters: since it may be that there 
are non-Pacific'ers who have a strong preference for a less obvious 

Dr. Christopher A. Welty, Knowledge Structures Group
IBM Watson Research Center, 19 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY  10532     USA   
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Guus Schreiber <> 
Sent by:
03/25/2004 02:56 AM


telecon April 1

Ralph and I have not been able yet to set up a poll for the telecon 
times.  I propose that the time for the next telecon be West-US friendly:

1000 Los Angeles
1300 Boston
1800 UTC
1900 London
2000 Amsterdam

Note: the time difference between US and Europe is next week one hour 
more than usual due to the start of DST in Europe.


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Received on Thursday, 25 March 2004 10:55:12 UTC