APPS : Semantic Web Application definition criterias


1) In order to select real demos and description of SWA i would like to know if it is 
possible to reach a real and simple consensus in the definition of such applications :

Is the definition of a SWA applications based on (and/or) :

- the used protocols,
- the architecture (distributed, 3/4/5-levels architecture, ecc..)
- the actors implied in the communication process : Application to Application; users to users, users to application, ecc..
- the numbers of actors (or users) using it,
- the way to acces it (through a browser, thanks to API's,ecc..)
- the context : intranet and/or extranet and or internet.
- the modelling language used for datas ; RDF(S), DAML-OIL, OWL, ecc.

Perhaps that this definition is implicitly clear in your minds but it wouldn't be a bad idea, i think, to give an explicit one somewhere
as a sort of banner/introduction with some other basic definitions. I think it could be useful for new comers.

here are ontoweb and swad europe page application listin pages :

2) What type of collaboration can we have with the SAW-europe project on these topics




Received on Monday, 8 March 2004 03:08:00 UTC