- From: Guus Schreiber <schreiber@cs.vu.nl>
- Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 11:52:09 +0100
- To: SWBPD <public-swbp-wg@w3.org>
For convenience I have collected the top-3 statements received so far Guus %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% JIM HENDLER 1 - An alternate state of MIME The state of MIME types for RDF, RDF, OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full may need revisiting. The new DAWG may be the place to do this, or it may be SWBP. Currently, however, RDF and OWL documents are showing up as text, as xml, as RDF (a mime type not recognized by many browsers). The bottom line is that MIME is horribly broken and should be fixed at a higher level, but for now we need to live with what is out there -- coming up with a stronger recommendation. Part of this will be outreach to the browser folks to support us better (i.e. if we confirm our recommendation to use application/XML+RDF for all the languages, then it would be nice if browsers didn't barf on this) 2- Explain the mess we created For reasons that have as much to do with history and politics as anything else, we have created a muddle with RDF, RDFS, OWL Lite, OWL DL, and OWL Full all now being recommendations. How does someone decide which to use and when? How do we explain that OWL Full (which should be renamed "OWL") is really the "vocabulary" for OWL that can be used in any way compatible w/RDF, and that OWL DL (and Lite) are "profiles" that can be used when certain functionalities are needed. How do we better explain that an RDF-S document is in OWL Full (since it uses rdfs:Class instead of owl:Class) and that this is ok and to be expected. In short, to make RDF-Schema and the OWL stuff work together in the world, instead of appearing to be competing in some sense, we need to explain this stuff to the world in a way that developers who aren't logicians can understand. 3 - N3 (turtle?) status upgrade Many of us use a portion of the N3 notation (basically what Dave Beckett has in "turtle" [1]) when we use the RDF-family of langauges. However, this notation is opposed by some who worry that it somehow endorses N3 as "the rules language" and/or that there's "no formal semantics" for N3. I think that the SWBPD WG should take the issue of presentation syntax seriously, should endorse the non-rules subset of N3 as a useful and useable language for RDF+, and should produce a note (based on [1]) codifying this better, adding more information on the mapping, and making it easier for people to use RDF. JOS DE ROO o repository of test cases using existing standard vocabularies (e.g. healthcare UMLS, OpenGALEN, NCI, ICD9, MeSH, DICOM, HL7, ...) also by using an ontology in which one can say things like "this is something which is called xyz by that standard/body" o test results page covering different implementations for those test manifests and using a test results ontology with a more specific result:output ontology o X feeds data into Y using controlled vocabulary Y performs actions which should be verified results are fed back to X using controlled vocabulary e.g. physician order entry OSCAR CORCHO 1. Guidelines to transform existing representations from/to RDF/OWL. At UPM, we have experience in transforming frame-based+first-order-logic representations from/to RDF/OWL. 2. Design patterns for constructing ontologies. I am thinking of issues like: "how do I represent an abstract class in OWL (that is, a class that cannot have instances?" "how do I represent a default value in OWL?" etc. These issues appear from time to time in the WebOnt and RDF-interest lists. 3. Course material and introductory texts for ontologies and ontological engineering UPM has recently published the book "Ontological Engineering", from which we can extract some introductory texts on a royalty-free basis. We have also course material from our PhD course on ontologies and the Semantic Web. BERNARD VATANT 1. Leverage legacy Use cases of migration of public index, thesauri, directories ... to make them easily usable in SW applications 2. Avoide balkanization of efforts Use cases of ontology mapping and re-use practices minimizing redundancy and maximizing interoperability 3. Bring enterprise into the game Why should I care about semantic interoperability of my enterprise private ontologies/data with public SW ontologies/data ? [ 2. and 3. both address a concern I've already expressed. From the experience we have with customer companies, they come to semantic technologies and languages first for internal interoperability sake (which is a good thing), but are more relunctant to ensure external interoperability. Either they don't see the point of it, or they consider their internal ontology as a strategic asset to be kept hidden under the hood. ] CHRIS WELTY 1) An important, and I believe implicit in the name "*Best* Practices", element of our mission is some notion of correctness or general acceptance of an approach or technique. I strongly believe this group should not simply build a catalog of all the OWL/RDF applications, but distill from them the best (and perhaps even worst) solutions and approaches. It will be hard, of course, to define what "correct" means, but probably less hard to define what "acceptance" means. 2) At ISWC I talked about the idea of establishing common "ontology patterns". I started something along these lines at the W3C wiki site: http://esw.w3.org/topic/PartWhole. 3) Almost as important as pointing out correct/accepted approaches is documenting "modeling pitfalls" and common mistakes that people make . There are several of these in the OWL Guide and the Wine Ontology, which is unfortunate, but none of us had the time or resources to fix it at the time. Given the high visibility of this document, I think it would be a good place to start. -- Free University Amsterdam, Computer Science De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands Tel: +31 20 444 7739/7718 E-mail: schreiber@cs.vu.nl Home page: http://www.cs.vu.nl/~guus/
Received on Wednesday, 3 March 2004 05:52:42 UTC