Re: [OEP] Tutorial Materials

Matthew Horridge has a tutorial, which technically is specific to  
Protege/OWL, but is very useful for OWL in general:

Also, people have found the Ontology Development 101 tutorial useful: 

Both are emphatically  "beginner" tutorials.

On Jul 22, 2004, at 12:02 PM, Uschold, Michael F wrote:

> Frank Van Harmelen recently publisehed an introduction text to the
> Semantic Web called "Semantic Web Primer". It is the first and only  
> true
> Semantic Web text book to date.
> I gave a tutorial on KR and ontologies at the Semantic Web summer  
> school
> in 2003 in Madrid. They are avaiable as follows:
> "Ontologies and Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web"
> Semantic Web Summer School Tutorial Presentation
> Click:
> Click: SSSW03 in the blue box upper left of frame
> Click: the "+" sign to the left of "Documentation" in the frame to the
> right of the blue box you just clicked.
> Click: "Slide" just below "Documentation" that you just clicked.
> Click: "Ontologies and KR for Semantic Web (Uschold) in the 7th row,  
> 1st
> column.
> Then download the .pdf file.
> That tutorial drew heavily on the following materials:
> OWL tutorials by Roger Costello
> For complete set of OWL tutorials, examples, labs, APIs, code, etc see:
> Files: ...\owl\OWL-API\owl\{README,4-OWL,*}.ppt
> Tutorials on RDF and RDF Schema:
> Lectures by Frank van Harmelen, AI Department;
> Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam:
> The Semantic Web: what it might do (for you?)
> + what it will take to get there
> How the Web can exploit Knowledge Representation
> (and the other way round)
> How the Semantic Web will  change
> Knowledge Representation

Received on Thursday, 22 July 2004 15:08:02 UTC