[OEP] Tutorial Materials

Frank Van Harmelen recently publisehed an introduction text to the
Semantic Web called "Semantic Web Primer". It is the first and only true
Semantic Web text book to date.

I gave a tutorial on KR and ontologies at the Semantic Web summer school
in 2003 in Madrid. They are avaiable as follows:
"Ontologies and Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web"
Semantic Web Summer School Tutorial Presentation
Click: http://minsky.dia.fi.upm.es/sssw03/
Click: SSSW03 in the blue box upper left of frame
Click: the "+" sign to the left of "Documentation" in the frame to the
right of the blue box you just clicked.
Click: "Slide" just below "Documentation" that you just clicked.
Click: "Ontologies and KR for Semantic Web (Uschold) in the 7th row, 1st
Then download the .pdf file.

That tutorial drew heavily on the following materials:

OWL tutorials by Roger Costello
For complete set of OWL tutorials, examples, labs, APIs, code, etc see: 
Files: ...\owl\OWL-API\owl\{README,4-OWL,*}.ppt

Tutorials on RDF and RDF Schema:

Lectures by Frank van Harmelen, AI Department;
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam:
The Semantic Web: what it might do (for you?)
+ what it will take to get there

How the Web can exploit Knowledge Representation
(and the other way round)

How the Semantic Web will  change
Knowledge Representation

Received on Thursday, 22 July 2004 15:03:15 UTC