Re: [XSCH] heads up TF review of note next week

I've done some test work for the examples in
and using euler (after doing some corrections) found that

:Jane :age "15"^^xsd:byte.
:JaneC :age "15"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger.
:doc :language "en-US"^^xsd:language.
:doc2 :language "en-US"^^xsd:string.
:Jeremy :ageInYears "40"^^xsd:integer.
:JeremyC :ageInYears "40"^^xsd:double.
:car :engineSizeInLitres "1.3"^^xsd:decimal.
:car2 :engineSizeInLitres "1.3"^^xsd:double.
:doc :identifier ""^^xsd:anyURI.


:Jane :age "15"^^xsd:decimal.
:JaneC :age "15"^^xsd:byte.
:doc :language "en-US"^^xsd:string.
:doc2 :language "en-US".
:doc :language "en-US".
:Jeremy :ageInYears "40"^^xsd:float.
:JeremyC :ageInYears "40"^^xsd:float.
:car :engineSizeInLitres "1.3"^^xsd:float.
:car2 :engineSizeInLitres "1.3"^^xsd:float.
:doc :identifier ""^^xsd:string.

For Example D I could not prove the non-entailment
but got a "no proof found" for the entailment.

I was not able to prove entailment of Example M.

I also tested that

:road :repair "P1Y2M3DT10H30M"^^xsd:duration.
:testcase :made "2002-11-16T01:41:00+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime.


:road :repair "P14M3DT10H30M"^^xsd:duration.
:testcase :made "2002-11-16T00:41:00Z"^^xsd:dateTime.

and that the empty graph entails

"10.1"^^xsd:decimal math:greaterThan "8.4"^^xsd:decimal.
"P1Y2M"^^xsd:duration math:notGreaterThan "P14MT10H"^^xsd:duration.
"01:41:00+01:00"^^xsd:time math:lessThan "05:41:00Z"^^xsd:time.
"1956-01-10"^^xsd:date math:notLessThan "1956-01-10"^^xsd:date.

@prefix math: <>.
@prefix xsd: <>.

For the rest, I don't disagree with the text :)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Jeremy Carroll <>
Sent by:
06/12/2004 15:03

        To:     SWBPD <>
        cc:     (bcc: Jos De_Roo/AMDUS/MOR/Agfa-NV/BE/BAYER)
        Subject:        [XSCH] heads up TF review of note next week

Jeff and I are currently hoping to have a first complete editors' draft 
of the note ready a week today.

If we manage it would be very good if we can have other TF participants 
review that draft before the Thursday 16th telecon, so that hopefully we 
can assign WG reviewers at that telecon. Then we stand a chance of 
inviting the X***WGs to review over the christmas break as we were 

Does any TF participant wish to volunteer? (i.e. a review to start Mon 
13th and completed by Thurs 16th).


Received on Sunday, 12 December 2004 15:00:52 UTC