Re: [ANN] Working drafts by SW Best Practices group -- request for comments

On Jul 29, 2004, at 1:29 AM, Eric Jain wrote:

>>> :Diagnosis_Relation
>>>       a       owl:Class ;
>>>       rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Statement
>>>       rdfs:subClassOf
>>>               [ a       owl:Restriction ;
>>>                 owl:allValuesFrom :Probability_values ;
>>>                 owl:onProperty :diagnosis_probability
>>>               ] .
>>> And then:
>>> :Christine
>>>       a       :Person ;
>>>       :has_diagnosis :Breast_Tumor .
>>> :Diagnosis_Relation_1
>>>       a       :Diagnosis_Relation ;
>>>       rdf:subject :Christine ;
>>>       rdf:predicate :has_diagnosis ;
>>>       rdf:object :Breast_Tumor ;
>>>       :diagnosis_probability :HIGH .
>> This is actually equivalent to the second pattern in the note, 
>> although without the specific use of rdf;Statement. Or am I missing 
>> something?
> You are right, it could be considered as a special case of the second 
> pattern, though it makes more sense in the context of the first 
> example. I wonder if this may be worth pointing out anyway?

Good point. We'll see if we can put it in the second draft.

Thank you.


Received on Monday, 2 August 2004 20:19:12 UTC