telecon scheduling

In case we have a vote on the telecon time, i wanted to state a few 
points that i hope will be
taken into account whenever a vote happens.

I understand that our goal is to be an international committee.  With 
this goal in mind, I would like
to request that we set up an infrastructure that allows people in all 
time zones to participate.
I think given that we now are fortunate enough to have people 
participating from many continents
that this means we need to provide more than one option for telecon 
times - thus I think this supports
a need for alternating telecons.

I also believe that given that some significant technical work will be 
done in task forces, it is possible to
effectively participate in this working group by attending every other 
telecon and actively participating on
task force(s).

In a separate discussion, we might discuss additional technological 
support we can use to support
multi-time zone distributed collaboration.  I have had some independent 
discussions about this concerning facilitation of information flow.

I understand that as summarized in
the only objection to aternating was if the telecons were not scheduled 
well in advance.
My proposal would be to have 2 set times for alternating telecons.

I understand that a straw pole was taken on the topic of one time vs. 
alternating at the cannes meeting after i
signed off at approximately 3:45 am pacific time and that vote according to
shows "6 or 7 for 1 time" and "3 [f]or alternating"  with "+Emiller".
Thus it was 6 or 7 to 4.

After this i requested alternating in email when I first became aware 
that the telecons had been scheduled
at a time that was impossible for me to make, there was some additional 
documented support.
Beyond my email,
show recorded support for alternating

so recorded support is 6 or 7 for a single time and 3 new votes for 
alternating bringing the recorded vote to
and 7 for alternating.  This might be considered a tie.

I pointed out that I, like many people, would personally prefer a single 
time if it was a time i could make
but faced with the choice of a time I can not make, I would like to have 
one time a month that is
possible rather than no times that are possible.

My main request is that if we are going to attempt to maintain 
international participation, that
we provide one option of every other meeting that each participating 
time zone can make.

Finally, if there is ever a vote on a telecon when i am not in 
attendance, i would like to put in
my proxy for a vote for alternating times.


 Deborah L. McGuinness 
 Associate Director Knowledge Systems Laboratory 
 Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 
 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 
 (voice) 650 723 9770    (stanford fax) 650 725 5850   (computer fax)  801 705 0941

Received on Thursday, 1 April 2004 02:26:08 UTC