Re: Proposed issue: What does using an URI require of me and my s oftware?

Le Vendredi, 3 octo 2003, à 13:48 America/Montreal, pat hayes a écrit :

>  what should an SW agent do when it finds a contradiction? What 
> protocols or guidelines can we suggest for how to handle that 
> situation? Because as long as none of them do find any contradictions, 
> I think the SW will just kind of work by itself, and what we say about 
> "meanings" will have about as much relevance to the actual operation 
> of the SW as farting.
> Pat Hayes

	- Because there will be abuse
	- Because there will be naughty uses
	- Because what SW is proposing now for knowledge definitions is of the 
same order of what happened for example to photography when it becomes 
accessible to the usual consumers or for the publishing industry with 
the Web. Mass Democratization of knowledge building. It has very 
interesting effects and perspectives.

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2003 18:03:03 UTC