Results of charter poll (was: Call for Consensus: SVG Community Group Charter)

Thanks to the people who responded to the call for consensus, the SVG
community group has adopted a charter!  For now, it's available here:

Full results of the poll are here (you'll need to log in with your W3C

On the question of what should we call the group's GitHub organization,
results were split between svg-cg and svg-community. I went with the
shorter one.  If you answered the survey, you should have received an email
invitation. You can also accept the invitation by visiting while logged in to GitHub.

If you didn't get around to answering that poll, I've created a second one
with just the "introductions" questions. Add your GitHub ID so that we can
add you to the team, and then tell us a little about yourself:

My next step is to set up a few starter repos:

- A projects repo for discussing project ideas, and for keeping a single
list of all active projects & who's responsible for each
- A root GitHub pages repo, where we can host the charter & any other
important documents

I'll send out another email (actually, I'll probably make it a permanent
blog post on the website) once I get the projects repo set up.


PS, I was also trying to copy over the charter to the website on,
but WordPress mangles the HTML (adding hard line breaks even in the
code-editor mode, and not allowing any custom styling).  If anyone is
experienced in WordPress & wants to help sort it out, I think you should be
able to access the editor with your W3C login:

Received on Thursday, 25 April 2019 22:10:20 UTC