Re: meeting at TPAC

On Tue, 2017-10-17 at 09:59 +0100, LĂ©onie Watson wrote:
> I'll be there, but because of WebPlat and AC meetings, will only be 
> available on Monday.

It might be we just end up having a very informal SVG group lunch or
something - I'll check with the organizers and see if we can do that on
the Monday in any case. I think a lot of us know each other in any
case, and the biggest value of a meeting at TPAC might well be about
personal interactions rather than technical work.


Liam Quin, W3C,
Staff contact for Verifiable Claims WG, SVG WG, XQuery WG

Web slave for

Received on Tuesday, 17 October 2017 18:18:48 UTC