Re: aria-describedat

On Mon, 10 Aug 2015 20:29:57 +0200, Gunderson, Jon R
<> wrote:

> Rich,
> In your example does the SUMMARY element content serve as the text  
> equivalent for the image, or would the image also need an ALT attribute?

In the example as suggested, it appears that there needs to be an alt as  

Actually, the example wouldn't work at the moment, and would force  
everyone to read the full table, which is pretty sub-optimal, given that  
details/summary isn't implemented - and therefore nor is it part of an  
HTML standard.

An alternative is to provide the table via longdesc, but while almost all  
screenreaders support this fine, support for non-screenreader users in  
browsers is still pretty much rubbish :(



> From: Richard Schwerdtfeger []
> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2015 12:06 PM
>> yes. but I would not put the in the details. I would embed that in a  
>> Figure with the figcaption having the details.
>> Note: this did not make the cut for HTML5. This would be HTML 5.1. but  
>> right now we don't have support in IE, Edge, or Firefox.
>> Also, given that HTML5.1 is not done I would recommed this design  
>> pattern:
>> <figure>
>> <figcaption>
>> <details src="http://... foo.html">
>>  <summary>Texas Roots</summary>
>>  ... optional content if the URL is not retrievable. ... like your  
>> table.
>> </details>
>> </figcaption>
>> <img src="xxxx">
>> </figure>
>> This would allow access to diagram project descriptions which could be  
>> rendered into details.

Charles McCathie Nevile - web standards - CTO Office, Yandex - - - Find more at

Received on Tuesday, 11 August 2015 09:41:15 UTC