Re: click vs activate

Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> Alright. If the group agrees we should redo the event section to reflect
> this. Additionally, there is new UI Event spec. about to be a public
> working draft, which I referred to when I added keyboard events that we
> should fold in more completely. This is the replacement for DOM3 events.
> If we do deprecate DOMActivate and mutation events we should define
> deprecated - gone or being phases out.
> Blink wants to remove the mutation events and I don't believe they are
> supported in IE today.

We should be defining as few events as possible in that chapter.  Events 
that are defined elsewhere can be referenced, and we should say when 
they get dispatched, but there is no need for duplicate definitions.

Received on Wednesday, 24 July 2013 23:07:38 UTC