svg2: Changed <hatch angle> to <hatch rotate>, limit <hatchPath strok...

changeset: 518:5ba0309b98f6
user:      tbah <>
date:      Wed Jun 19 15:32:32 2013 +0200
Changed <hatch angle> to <hatch rotate>, limit <hatchPath stroke> to solid paint servers per resolutions at Tokyo F2F.


 master/pservers.html |  39 ++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diffs (229 lines):

diff --git a/master/pservers.html b/master/pservers.html
--- a/master/pservers.html
+++ b/master/pservers.html
@@ -1780,55 +1780,52 @@ lines are needed.</p>
 an object using one or more pre-defined paths that are repeated
 at fixed intervals in a specified direction to cover the
 areas to be painted. Hatches are defined using a <a>'hatch'</a>
 element and then referenced by properties <a>'fill'</a> and
 <a>'stroke'</a> on a given <a>graphics element</a> to indicate that the
 given element shall be filled or stroked with the hatch.
 Paths are defined by <a>'hatchPath'</a> elements.</p>
-<p>Attributes <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a>, <a>'angle'</a>,
+<p>Attributes <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a>, <a>'rotate'</a>,
 and <a>'hatchUnits'</a> define an infinitely long reference strip
 on the infinite canvas. The strip has one edge at
 (<var>x</var>,&nbsp;<var>y</var>) and its other edge at a distance
-of <var>pitch</var> in the direction defined by <var>angle</var>.
+of <var>pitch</var> in the direction defined by <var>rotate</var>.
 This one-dimension tiling theoretically extends a series of such
-strips in the direction of 'angle' to infinity (positive and
+strips in the direction of 'rotate' to infinity (positive and
 negative), with strips starting at
 for each possible integer value of <em>m</em>.</p>
 <div class="figure">
      alt="A diagram showing the layout of a series of strips."
   <p class="caption">Three adjacent strips separated by dashed lines
     showing their relationship to each other for a
-    given <var>pitch</var> and <var>angle</var>. The reference line
+    given <var>pitch</var> and <var>rotate</var>. The reference line
     determines the origin of <a>'hatchPath'</a>s.
-<p class="issue">Check that angle defined in same sense as other
-  angles is SVG (clockwise/counter-clockwise, etc.).</p>
 <edit:elementsummary name='hatch'/>
 <p class="issue">Review content model.</p>
 <h3 id="HatchElementAttributes">Attributes</h3>
   <dl class="attrdef-list-svg2">
     <dt id="HatchElementHatchUnitsAttribute"><span class="adef">hatchUnits</span></dt>
 	Defines the coordinate system for attributes
-	<a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a> and <a>'angle'</a>.
+	<a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a> and <a>'rotate'</a>.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
 	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd>userSpaceOnUse | objectBoundingBox</dd>
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>objectBoundingBox</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
@@ -1836,17 +1833,17 @@ for each possible integer value of <em>m
       <dl class="attrdef-values">
             If <span class="attr-value">hatchUnits="userSpaceOnUse"</span>,
-            <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a>, and <a>'angle'</a>
+            <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a>, and <a>'rotate'</a>
             represent values in the coordinate system that results
             from taking the current user coordinate system in place at
             the time when the <a>'hatch'</a> element is referenced
             (i.e., the user coordinate system for the element
             referencing the <a>'hatch'</a> element via a
             <a>'fill'</a> or <a>'stroke'</a> property) and then
             applying the transform specified by attribute
@@ -1856,17 +1853,17 @@ for each possible integer value of <em>m
             If <span class="attr-value">hatchUnits="objectBoundingBox"</span>,
             the user coordinate system for attributes
-            <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a>, and <a>'angle'</a>
+            <a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a>, and <a>'rotate'</a>
             is established using the bounding box of the element to
             which the hatch is applied
             (see <a href="coords.html#ObjectBoundingBox">Object
             bounding box units</a>) and then applying the transform
             specified by attribute <a>'hatchTransform'</a>.
             Percentages represent values relative to the bounding box
             for the object.
@@ -1959,17 +1956,17 @@ for each possible integer value of <em>m
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
     <dt id="HatchElementXAttribute"><span class="adef">x</span></dt>
-	<a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a> and <a>'angle'</a>
+	<a>'x'</a>, <a>'y'</a>, <a>'pitch'</a> and <a>'rotate'</a>
         indicate how the hatch strips are placed and spaced. These
         attributes represent coordinates and values in the coordinate
         space specified by the combination of
         attributes <a>'hatchUnits'</a>
         and <a>'hatchTransform'</a>.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
@@ -2012,29 +2009,33 @@ for each possible integer value of <em>m
         A negative value is an error
         (see <a href="implnote.html#ErrorProcessing">Error
         processing</a>).  A value of zero disables rendering of the
         element (i.e., no paint is applied).
-    <dt id="HatchElementAngleAttribute"><span class="adef">angle</span></dt>
+    <dt id="HatchElementRotateAttribute"><span class="adef">rotate</span></dt>
 	See <a>'x'</a>.
       <dl class="attrdef-svg2">
 	<dt>Value</dt>                <dd><a>&lt;angle&gt;</a></dd>
 	<dt><a>Lacuna value</a></dt>  <dd>0</dd>
 	<dt><a>Animatable</a></dt>    <dd>yes</dd>
+      <p class="annotation">
+	Changed name from 'angle' to 'rotate' at Tokyo F2F.
+      </p>
     <dt id="HatchElementHrefAttribute"><span class="adef">xlink:href</span></dt>
 	An <a href="linking.html#IRIReference">IRI reference</a> to a
         different <a>'hatch'</a> element within the current SVG
         document fragment. Any attributes which are defined on the
@@ -2069,28 +2070,27 @@ path to be created at the bounds of the 
 hatch which goes outside of the hatch strip will be clipped. Note that
 if the <a>'overflow'</a> property is set
 to <span class="prop-value">visible</span> the area outside must be
 rendered (NB this is different from a <a>'pattern'</a>
 element). Strips with higher <var>x</var> (larger <var>m</var>) values
 must be rendered after strips with lower <var>x</var>
 (lower <var>m</var>) values.</p>
-<p class="issue">The default should probably be visible.</p>
 <p>The contents of the <a>'hatch'</a> are relative to a new coordinate
 system.  The new coordinate system has its origin at
 (<var>x</var>,&nbsp;<var>y</var>), where <var>x</var> is established
 by the <a>'x'</a> attribute on the <a>'hatch'</a> element,
 and <var>y</var> is established by the <a>'y'</a> attribute on
 the <a>'hatch'</a> element. The coordinate system is rotated around
-the origin by the angle given by the <a>'angle'</a> attribute.
+the origin by the angle given by the <a>'rotate'</a> attribute.
-<p class="issue">The viewBox and preserveAspectRatio attributes are
+<p class="annotation">The viewBox and preserveAspectRatio attributes are
 not useful and have been removed (as compared to the pattern element).</p>
 <p><a href="script.html#EventAttributes">Event attributes</a> and
 <a href="svgdom.html#EventListeners">event listeners</a> attached
 to the contents of a <a>'hatch'</a> element are not processed;
 only the rendering aspects of <a>'hatch'</a> elements are
@@ -2098,17 +2098,17 @@ processed.</p>
 <p>The following illustrates a very simple <a>'hatch'</a> fill:</p>
 <edit:example href='images/pservers/pattern01.svg' name='hatch01'
   description='fill a rectangle by referencing a hatch paint server' image='yes' link='yes'/>
 <div class="example">
-<hatch pitch="5" angle="135">
+<hatch pitch="5" rotate="135">
   <hatchPath stroke="#a080ff" stroke-width="2"/>
 <div class="figure">
      alt="A hatch example with parallel lines filling a rectangle at a 45 degree angle."
   <p class="caption">A hatch with a single <a>'hatchPath'</a>.
@@ -2202,16 +2202,21 @@ first path instruction uses for its curr
 (<var>x</var>,<var>0</var>) where <var>x</var> is the <var>x</var>
 value of the last data point given in the path. If the first path
 command is not a "moveto" and the last not a "closepath", the last
 point of each repeating section is joined to the first point of the
 next repeating section with the current value
 of <a>'stroke-linejoin'</a>.
+<p>A hatch path can have any of the stroke style properties applied to it, however only
+solid color paint servers are allowed for the <a>'stroke'</a> property.</p>
+<p class="annotation">Limiting 'stroke' to solid paint servers was resolved at the Tokyo F2F.</p>
 <edit:example href='images/pservers/pattern01.svg' name='hatch01'
   description='fill a rectangle by referencing a hatch paint server' image='yes' link='yes'/>
 <div class="example">
 <hatch  hatchUnits="userSpaceOnUse" pitch="6">
     <hatchPath stroke-width="1" d="c 0,4 8,6 8,10 8,14 0,16 0,20"/>

Received on Wednesday, 19 June 2013 13:35:10 UTC