Re: telcon time 30 minutes earlier?

Le 12/04/2013 06:50, Cameron McCormack a écrit :
> Chris, Cyril and Tav,
> During the telcon today we settled on the meeting time, but we could 
> shift it 30 minutes earlier if that would make it any more feasible 
> for you to attend.  That would make it 10:30pm - 11:30pm in Central 
> Europe, and 5:30am - 6:30am in Tokyo and 6:30am - 7:30am in Eastern 
> Australia. Those times are OK for Brian, Nikos and me.
Thanks Aussies for accepting the shift. It's better indeed for me, 
especially if it's only a 1 hour slot, I'll be in bed earlier ;) and 
with two young (often sick) kids, night time is precious ! I'll do my 
best to attend.


Cyril Concolato
Maître de Conférences/Associate Professor
Groupe Multimedia/Multimedia Group
Telecom ParisTech
46 rue Barrault
75 013 Paris, France

Received on Friday, 12 April 2013 07:24:25 UTC