Re: Fwd: W3C TPAC 2013 - Will your group meet in Shenzhen, China?

One thing that might warrant discussion however is that this year it 
might be possible to have a three day meeting scheduled for a Working 
Group.  Is that something we want to request?  If requested, this 
wouldn't be guaranteed; it'd depend on the schedule and requests of 
other groups.

As for other questions I will indicate that:

* we have no preference for meeting days
* that we would like to meet jointly with CSS
* that we have substantial overlap with CSS
* that we will allow non-Member observers with the Chairs' agreement

Let me know if you feel these answers should be different.

Other questions include an estimate of the number of people attending 
the WG meeing, the Technical Plenary day, and the AC meeting.  Let's get 
a sense of this in the next telcon.



Received on Friday, 12 April 2013 04:19:44 UTC