Re: PDF version of the spec

On Mar 10, 2011, at 21:51 , Cameron McCormack wrote:
> Robin Berjon:
>> Just one small question: do we have an issue with the fact it links
>> to a commercial vendor with a little ad logo (Prince)? I can't say
>> I have a strong feeling about this, but I can see how it might
>> create discomfort to some. Maybe W3C could get a pro licence for the
>> conversion of its own specs? I think we might know someone there...
> It’s a good question.  Prince is pretty awesome, and it’s Melbourne-
> made, so I don’t have a problem promoting them personally. :-)  But I
> can certainly see that others might not like it.  Can you suggest
> someone at W3C to contact about this?

I'd suggest Håkon He's Director of Prince, CTO of Opera, and has a long history with W3C.

Robin Berjon -

Received on Friday, 11 March 2011 11:19:49 UTC