Re: color space conversions and alpha compositing

Hi Cam,

 Running your example in the Adobe and Corel viewers shows the
rectangles are not the same. The result is something like '0xBB' on each
channel, whilst the second rect has '0xCA' for each channel.

m still looking at the detail of why. Also, rather than
Wikipedia maybe you should look at:
which has a lot of detail.

 Also, there was some comment earlier (can't remember which mail)
about Safari on Mac being different. Windows uses 2.2 for screen gamma,
but Macs use 1.7. That may be the culprit in that case. 


--Original Message--:
>Cameron McCormack:
>> I will run through a worked example here, and hopefully someone can tell
>> me if I am doing it right.
>If my example is correct, then in the two rectangles in this example
>should look the same:
>Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Friday, 18 February 2011 05:02:56 UTC