SVG version and schema in EPUB3


On Tue, 08 Feb 2011 11:12:02 +0900
FUJISAWA Jun <> wrote:

> Also, I suggest to have some discussion on several potential issues
> concerning the use of SVG in EPUB.
> - Version of SVG to be used in EPUB3
> - Use of SVG RELAX NG schema in EPUB3

The current draft of EPUB references SVG 1.1 (1st Edition) specification.
I suggest the EPUB Revision Group to consider referencing SVG 1.1 (2nd
Edition) instead. How do you think?

In order to be referenced, SVG 1.1 (2nd Edition) need to be at least in CR
status well before the release of EPUB3 (May 15).

Another concern is the use of old and non-normative SVG RELAX NG schema
available at: Murata-san is
working on reusing the above schemas in order to have normative schemas
for EPUB3. Is that an acceptable solution?

EPUB3 SVG 1.1 Module
for HTML5-based EPUB3 documents
for SVG-based EPUB3 documents

Jun Fujisawa

Received on Tuesday, 8 February 2011 03:05:49 UTC