Re: Auckland agenda items

Hi, folks-

I'm like to talk about:
* SVG Integration
* Parameters
* Connectors
* Animation
* SVG Accessibility and ARIA

I'd also like to talk about finishing up the Compositing spec, if 
Anthony agrees.

-Doug Schepers
W3C Team Contact, SVG, WebApps, and Web Events WGs

Chris Lilley wrote (on 2/7/11 12:24 PM):
> Hello folks,
> I would like to agenda+ the following:
> WOFF in SVG 2.0
>    (yes that is a separate item from what to do about
>     SVG fonts in SVG 2.0)
> I considered agenda+ Color management and SVG 2.0, but on balance I think we need more implementation experience (in SVG specifically, not of color management in general) and more tests, before any further discussion would be useful. So I think it makes sense to skip it for this round and come back to it at a later f2f.

Received on Monday, 7 February 2011 18:44:28 UTC