Re: SVG 1.1F2 implementation report testsuite ready

Hi Glenn.

Glenn Adams:
> I notice that the Revision #s depicted on most of the animate*.svg tests do
> not match between the SVG and PNG images. Is that intentional?

Yes, please ignore differences there.  It’s intentional that we’re not
bothering to ensure that the revision number in the reference image
matches the SVG.  It wouldn’t be too hard to ensure that the renderings
from original test SVGs or image patch SVGs get the revision number
right, but it would be pain to keep the PNG image patches up to date.
In the future we’ll drop the use of those in-test-slide revision
numbers.  (Actually, I don’t see a reason why we couldn’t do that now…)

Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Friday, 10 December 2010 22:10:43 UTC