Re: Definition of "container element" in SVG 1.1

it may be useful to distinguish between a "graphics container", i.e., a
visual or otherwise presentable container, and an "information container",
i.e., an grouping element (not necessarily related to graphics or
presentable descendant elements);

glenn adams (representing samsung)

On 4/20/09 12:55 PM, "Cameron McCormack" <> wrote:

> I donıt think the set of elements in the ³container element² definition
> in SVG 1.1 is right.  It currently says:
>   An element which can have graphics elements and other container
>   elements as child elements. Specifically: 'svg', 'g', 'defs'
>   'symbol', 'clipPath', 'mask', 'pattern', 'marker', 'a' and 'switch'.
> First, <clipPath> cannot contain just any graphics or container element;
> it only allows basic shapes, <path>, <text> and <use>.  So I think it
> should be removed.
> Second, both <glyph> and <missingGlyph> have the same content model as
> <g>, so I think they should be added.

Received on Monday, 20 April 2009 06:51:18 UTC