AsyncStatusCallback interface and GetURL, PostURL

Hi WG,


The ECMAScript binding of the AsyncStatusCallback interface does no
mention that an ECMAScript function can be passed as an argument to
functions like GetURL and PostURL instead of an object that implements
the 'operationComplete' function.


The tests for GetURL and PostURL uses this method i.e passes a function
and not an object as callback.


I think this should be clarified in the ECMAScript binding chapter (and
uDOM chapter?) similar to what is specified for EventListener:



In ECMAScript, an EventListener can be specified in one of two ways. The
first is an ECMAScript Function object, where the function itself is
considered to be the implementation of the handleEvent operation. The
second is an ECMAScript object with a property handleEvent, which
provides the implementation of the handleEvent operation. If an
ECMAScript Function object also has a handleEvent property, then that
handleEvent property and not the Function itself is considered to be the
implementation of the handleEvent operation.







Received on Thursday, 23 October 2008 12:25:22 UTC