ISSUE-2130 (data types clarifications): Basic Data Types section needs clarifications [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

ISSUE-2130 (data types clarifications): Basic Data Types section needs clarifications [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny 

Cyril Concolato
* Section 4 "Basic Data Types"
The id and xml:id attributes use the <ID> type in the spec but the <ID> or <NCName> types in the attribute table. 

In the definition of the <QName> type, a sentence says: "the default namespace is *not* used for unprefixed names". Could ou provide an example showing what this means ?

The spec text gives the following definition for the target attribute of the 'a' element:
target = '_replace' | '_self' | '_parent' | '_top' | '_blank' | "<frame-target>" 
but the attribute table says:
target = '_replace' | '_self' | '_parent' | '_top' | '_blank' | <XML-Name>

The spec text for handler says:
ev:event = "<string>"
but the attribute table says:
ev:event = <XML-NMTOKEN>

The spec text for listener says:
event = 'Event Identifier'
but the attribute table says:
event = <XML-NMTOKEN>


Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 17:06:24 UTC