ISSUE-2125 (cyril typos): Cyril: General Typos [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

ISSUE-2125 (cyril typos): Cyril: General Typos [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny 

Cyril Concolato
* Typos:
- In "Status of this document", it says "This is *a* the 15 September 2008". 
- In "5.7 The 'image' element", it says "(e.g. *is* is outside the initial document viewport)"
- In "7.8 The 'viewBox'  attribute", it says "must *be* be mapped"
- In "15.7 Processing inline executable content", it says "the content *must ignored* and no further processing takes place."
- check case of <QName> vs <qname>.
- The type '<ListOfStrings>' is used in the attribute table instead of '<list-of-strings>' in Section 4.


Received on Monday, 13 October 2008 16:59:31 UTC