ISSUE-2099 (RDFa processing): Re-use of RDFa attributes should follow RDF in XHTML processing rules [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

ISSUE-2099 (RDFa processing): Re-use of RDFa attributes should follow RDF in XHTML processing rules [Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny ]

Raised by: Doug Schepers
On product: Last Call: SVG 1.2 Tiny 

Manu Sporny (RDF in XHTML Task Force)
Re-use of RDFa attributes should follow RDF in XHTML processing rules
SVG includes several attributes that may be placed on any element, for
the use of attribute-based metadata formats. These include the 'class',
'role', 'rel', 'rev', 'about', 'content', 'datatype', 'property',
'resource', and 'typeof'  attributes. ***SVG makes no specific
requirements about the values for these attributes, other than their
particular value data types, such as a string or a space-separated lists
of strings.*** Other specifications, such as RDFa [RDFA], Microformats
[MF] patterns, or ARIA [ARIA] ontologies,

The current text leaves far too much room for mis-use and abuse of the
RDFa attributes. It would be a shame if authors were allowed to
re-define how a non-RDFa parser may use those attributes in such a way
as to directly conflict, or even worse, create ambiguity with regard to
the current RDF in XHTML parser rules. The RDFa task force went to great
lengths to ensure that the RDFa Syntax Processing[1] rules define clear
behavior when RDFa is used in non-XHTML languages.

Please add text clearly stating that if one re-uses the RDFa attributes
that they follow the same processing rules as outlined in the RDFa
Syntax Processing Rules[1].



Received on Friday, 10 October 2008 14:24:14 UTC