Tests that depend on NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exceptions from TraitAccess

Hello svg-wg,

I'm wondering if it's really possible for the testsuite to depend on getting NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR exceptions thrown from the TraitAccess API.

Quotes from [1]:

"Implementations that support multiple versions of svg must allow trait access to the most extensive set and support the types supported by each trait in the most extensive set. However, content relying on traits or trait types available in future versions may not work in all conformant SVG Tiny 1.2 uDOM implementations."


"The user agent must raise a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR whenever there is an attempt to use trait methods for traits which are not supported by the UA."

It's unclear to me how to interpret these seemingly contradictory statements. Also I think it's a bad idea for a test to depend on these exceptions being thrown especially in the context of future specs when the current spec itself is clear on that it MAY become allowed to throw something other than NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR.

This applies (at least) to the following testcases:

- http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.2T/test/svg/udom-svg-237-t.svg
- http://dev.w3.org/SVG/profiles/1.2T/test/svg/udom-svg-224-t.svg

I suggest we remove the check on NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR since it cannot be guaranteed.


[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/SVGMobile12/svgudom.html#TraitSupport

Erik Dahlstrom, Core Technology Developer, Opera Software
Co-Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
Personal blog: http://my.opera.com/macdev_ed

Received on Monday, 6 October 2008 14:39:38 UTC