Testsuite: uDom tests - setAttributeNS vs. setTrait

Hi all,

I am currently reviewing some of the assigned uDom tests.

The tests use .setAttributeNS() to set attributes. I wonder if there is 
a prefered way to set attributes - should we use setTrait() or 
setAttributeNS ?

Another question: when should the draft banner be removed or commented 
out? After reviewing, before creating the reference image or after the 
test is approved?



Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 6
CH-8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
Phone: ++41-44-2736668
Email: a.neumann@carto.net

Web: http://www.carto.net/neumann/
SVG Examples: http://www.carto.net/papers/svg/samples/
SVG.Open: http://www.svgopen.org/

Received on Tuesday, 20 May 2008 08:18:33 UTC