ISSUE-2001 (font-face-dtd): Prose describing <font> content model does not match DTD [SVG Full 1.1]

ISSUE-2001 (font-face-dtd): Prose describing <font> content model does not match DTD [SVG Full 1.1]

Raised by: Erik Dahlström
On product: SVG Full 1.1

The 1.1 spec [] says:
"Font.class : font"

The dtd [] says:

<!ENTITY % SVG.Font.class
    "| %SVG.font.qname; | %SVG.font-face.qname; %SVG.Font.extra.class;"

I think there are tests that assume the DTD is correct here. And SVGT12
also allows <font-face> to occur outside of a <font> element.

So, given this it would be nice if we could have an errata for the 1.1
font chapter to make it the same.

Received on Saturday, 26 April 2008 12:29:50 UTC