Re: How will animations be rendered?

Hi Robert,
The SVG spec says that you print SVG files as if the animation elements 
were just not there. 


At 02:57 PM 2/20/2003 -0600, Robert Diblasi wrote:

>I am kinda of confused......normal state....but please give me chance :-)
>I would like to know How animations will be rendered (printed ?)  on a 
>printing device?
>The article below makes it sound like animations will be printed....I know 
>this is not the case....but What I want to know is......if any part of the 
>Animation will be printed (begin of animation) or will none of the 
>Animation be printed.....If the answer is none...this would mean the SVG 
>creator(programmer/application) would most likely have to provide a 
>separate SVG file for Printing SVG images that have Animations in them.
>It would be nice to be able to pick out a moment in the SVG (an SVG file 
>has a "beginning" and a time line) that a printer could use.  I think this 
>would be a really nice feature for SVG if this was incorporated into the 
>file. Think of uses a tool that would grab "screen shots" of certain times 
>and then print them out. This would be a nice way to create a handout of a 
>I look forward to your answer and others responses
>We all learn by sharing what we know
>Robert A. DiBlasi
>Member of the Chicago SVG Group: Chicago IL.
>An article on states 
>The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has issued the first draft of Scalable 
>Vector Graphics Printing Requirements (SVG Print). The specification will 
>take unprintable animation and interactive content designed in SVG--a 
>standardized alternative to Macromedia's Flash language--and turn it into 
>something a printer can understand.
>The SVGP  states this:
>4. Special Printing Considerations
>Animation and interactive hyperlinking. SVG files may contain animations 
>and hyperlinks. Printing devices can not perform animation or support 
>interactive content. Animation and interactivity features are ignored for 
>and this:
>6. Requirements
>10. Animation
>SVGP must not support display of animated content.

Received on Thursday, 20 February 2003 16:16:53 UTC