How will animations be rendered?


I am kinda of confused......normal state....but please give me chance :-)

I would like to know How animations will be rendered (printed ?)  on a printing device?

The article below makes it sound like animations will be printed....I know this is not the case....but What I want to know is......if any part of the Animation will be printed (begin of animation) or will none of the Animation be printed.....If the answer is none...this would mean the SVG creator(programmer/application) would most likely have to provide a separate SVG file for Printing SVG images that have Animations in them. 

It would be nice to be able to pick out a moment in the SVG (an SVG file has a "beginning" and a time line) that a printer could use.  I think this would be a really nice feature for SVG if this was incorporated into the file. Think of uses a tool that would grab "screen shots" of certain times and then print them out. This would be a nice way to create a handout of a presentation.

I look forward to your answer and others responses

We all learn by sharing what we know
Robert A. DiBlasi 
Member of the Chicago SVG Group: Chicago IL.

An article on states this:
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has issued the first draft of Scalable Vector Graphics Printing Requirements (SVG Print). The specification will take unprintable animation and interactive content designed in SVG--a standardized alternative to Macromedia's Flash language--and turn it into something a printer can understand. 

The SVGP  states this:

4. Special Printing Considerations
Animation and interactive hyperlinking. SVG files may contain animations and hyperlinks. Printing devices can not perform animation or support interactive content. Animation and interactivity features are ignored for SVGP. 

and this:

6. Requirements
10. Animation 
SVGP must not support display of animated content.

Received on Thursday, 20 February 2003 15:57:48 UTC